Knips Wide Colour@3x

High Performance Hosting

Whether on your premises, ours or in the cloud, we ensure maximum performance for your website. Every customer gets the website displayed at high speed, without annoying loading times.

Hero Stage Background Mobile
Hosting Server


We maintain our own data centre in Germany and can host your website at attractive prices. We are continuously expanding our data centre and ensure data protection, data security and reliability.

Public Cloud

Do you need the power of an entire cloud? We host your website, your shop or your application with the largest providers (e.g. AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google).

Public Cloud

Do you run your own data centre or would you like to take the hosting of your website into your own hands? We can help you set up your website on the infrastructure of your choice.

  • Consultancy on the hosting environment
  • Selection of the right cloud provider
  • Administration of the hosting

onPrem support for your business

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